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Texts on Activism
Sauvage, Eden
The Poverty of Left-Wing Activism .epub .pdf
The Revolutionary Alternative to Left-Wing Politics .epub .pdf
Texts on Anti-Fascism
Dauvé, Gilles
Fascism and Anti-Fascism .epub .pdf
When Insurrections Die .epub .pdf
Texts on Capitalism
Dauvé, Gilles
Capitalism and Communism .epub .pdf
Internationalist Perspective
Why Wealth Redistribution Cannot Solve Capitalism's Crisis .epub .pdf
Kämpa Tillsammans
Hamburgers vs Value .epub .pdf
Texts on Communisation
Dauvé, Gilles
Capitalism and Communism .epub .pdf
Communisation and Value-Form Theory .epub .pdf
Kämpa Tillsammans
Hamburgers vs Value .epub .pdf
Texts on Democracy
Against Sleep and Nightmare
The Spectator of Democracy .epub .pdf
Bordiga, Amadeo
The Democratic Principle .epub .pdf
Camatte, Jacques
The Democratic Mystification .epub .pdf
Communist League of Tampa
To Hell with Democracy? .epub .pdf
International Communist Current
Bourgeois Organization: The Lie of the 'Democratic' State .epub .pdf
Internationalist Communist Group
Communism against Democracy: Theses .epub .pdf
Communism against Democracy .epub .pdf
Against the Myth of Democratic Rights and Liberties .epub .pdf
Internationalist Perspective
This is What Democracy Looks Like .epub .pdf
Le Frondeur
Democracy .epub .pdf
Les Amis de 4 Millions de Jeunes Travailleurs
Democracy .epub .pdf
Monsieur Dupont
Democracy .epub .pdf
Poor, the Bad and the Angry
Notes on Democracy .epub .pdf
Robin Goodfellow
Marx-Engels and Democracy (Part One) .epub .pdf
Against Democracy .epub .pdf
Texts on Détournement
Debord, Guy
A User's Guide to Détournement .epub .pdf
Wolman, Gil J.
A User's Guide to Détournement .epub .pdf
Texts on History
Dauvé, Gilles
Fascism and Anti-Fascism .epub .pdf
When Insurrections Die .epub .pdf
Engels, Friedrich
The German Ideology, Part I .epub .pdf
Internationalist Communist Tendency
The Italian Communist Left - A Brief Internationalist History .epub .pdf
L'Insecurite Sociale
The Communist Tendency in History .epub .pdf
Marx, Karl
The German Ideology, Part I .epub .pdf
Smith, Cyril
Marx versus Historical Materialism .epub .pdf
Texts on Ideology
Engels, Friedrich
The German Ideology, Part I .epub .pdf
Marx, Karl
The German Ideology, Part I .epub .pdf
Texts on Philosopy
Sauvage, Eden
Marx's Dialectical Method .epub .pdf
Texts on Political Economy
Engels, Friedrich
Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy .epub .pdf
Synopsis of Capital .epub .pdf
Internationalist Perspective
The Economy in the Russian Revolution .epub .pdf
Luxemburg, Rosa
Introduction to Political Economy .epub .pdf
Marx, Karl
Wage Labour and Capital .epub .pdf
Value, Price and Profit .epub .pdf
Perlman, Fredy
Commodity Fetishism .epub .pdf
Texts on State
La Guerre Sociale
The Question of the State .epub .pdf
Texts on Trotsky
American Fraction of the Left Communist International
Trotskyism and the Labor Party .epub .pdf
Gauche Communiste de France
The Function of Trotskyism .epub .pdf
Internationalist Communist Group
Trotskyism: Product and Agent of Counterrevolution .epub .pdf
Internationalist Communist Tendency
Trotsky and Trotskyism .epub .pdf
Texts on USSR
American Fraction of the Left Communist International
Aspects of the Russian Question .epub .pdf
Gauche Communiste de France
The Russian Experience .epub .pdf
International Communist Party
Why Russia Isn't Socialist .epub .pdf
Internationalist Perspective
The Economy in the Russian Revolution .epub .pdf
Rosenberg, Arthur
A History of Bolshevism: From Marx to the First Five-Year Plan .epub .pdf
Souvarine, Boris
Stalin: A Critical Survey of Bolshevism .epub .pdf
Texts on Value-Form
Communisation and Value-Form Theory .epub .pdf